Guide to Delta Airlines Wifi


Musical instruments and/or equipment are accepted as checked baggage, carry-on baggage or cabin-seat baggage — depending on its size and shape — on Delta and Delta Connection flights.  It is safest to bring your instrument in a hard-shell case. 

Wifi Connectivity Options

We’re on a journey to bring you free Wi-Fi on every flight over the next 2 years. That means the in-flight Wi-Fi experience may vary while we roll it out. We now have 2 Wi-Fi providers: Viasat and Wi-Fi Onboard (formerly Gogo). SkyMiles Members can access video-streaming capable Wi-Fi speeds for free with Viasat from takeoff to touchdown. However, flights equipped with Wi-Fi Onboard (formerly Gogo) require the purchase of a Wi-Fi pass or subscription.

Table: Fees

As of Feb. 1, 2023, Delta offers free Wi-Fi on most domestic flights. By the end of 2023, free Wi-Fi will be available on more than 700 Delta aircraft.

On aircraft without free Wi-Fi, Delta Wi-Fi costs $7 for a one-hour pass from Intelsat. Viasat charges $5 per flight per device no matter the destination and duration.

If you fly with Delta often and don’t want to pay for Wi-Fi separately each time you fly, you can purchase two types of monthly internet plans.

  • Monthly domestic plan: $49.95.
  • Monthly global plan: $69.95.

The domestic plan offers monthly access on all domestic Wi-Fi-equipped flights (plus flights to and from Canada and Mexico), and the global plan offers coverage on international routes. A subscription with the option to cancel any time is available on both internet plans. Both Intelsat and ViaSat providers are available to passengers paying for Wi-Fi subscriptions.

Guide to Delta Airlines Wifi

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